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Humans conditioned to breakup and move on

The study also found that a man is more likely to end a relationship because a woman has had a sexual relationship with another man. On the other hand, a woman may be more likely to break up if her partner has been emotionally unfaithful. "Our review of the literature suggests we have a mechanism in our brains designed by natural selection to pull us through a very tumultuous time in our lives," said Brian Boutwell, associate professor of criminology and criminal justice and associate professor of epidemiology at Saint Louis University. Boutwell and his colleagues examined the process of falling out of love and breaking up, which they call primary mate ejection, and moving on to develop a new romantic relationship, which they call secondary mate ejection. They found men and women might break up for different reasons. Source: Rediff For instance, a man is more likely to end a relationship because a woman has had a sexual relationship with another man. For evoluti

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